Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find Parker County SUD's current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

You may also print out our Current Rates & Policies listed at the bottom of this page in a convenient PDF format.

Standard Residential Service Rates

Monthly Minimum ( 5/8" meter ) :
NO Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
$ 54.52
See Tiers Below
Tier (Gal.): $/1,000 Gal. Usage Price
0 to 5,000 gallons $ 11.00
5,001 to 15,000 gallons $ 15.75
15,001 to 25,000 gallons $ 21.25
25,001 to 50,000 gallons $ 31.00
50,000 and up $ 41.00

Parker County Special Utility District's water meters are read around the 13th of each month.  Bills are mailed to customers around the 22nd of each month and the bill's must be paid by the 10th of each month to avoid a late fee.  The District is not responsible for US Mail Delivery, checks in transit, and /or checks lost in transit. Please contact our office for any additional information.

Average Billing Examples

2,000 $76.90
5,000 $110.07
10,000 $189.21
15,000 $268.36
20,000 $375.14
25,000 $481.92
30,000 $637.69

How To Calculate A Bill

If the meter readings show a usage of 17,480 gallons, an example of how the bill would be calculated is shown below:
1. Monthly minimum (5/8" meter) $54.52
2. Usage between 0 to 5000 gallons is: 5000/1,000 (5 x $9.76) $55.00
2. Usage between 5001 to 15000 gallons is: 10000/1,000 (10 x $11.11) 157.50
4. Usage between 15001 to 25000 is 2480/1,000 (2.48 x $13.33) $52.70
5. State Assessment of .5% ( $243.96 X .005 ) $1.60
6. Total bill is the sum of all the above: $321.32

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