Drought Contingency

Mandatory Stage II Water Moderate Conditions

May 20, 2022

The PCSUD Board of Directors voted to enter Stage II of the District's Drought Contingency and Emergency Water Demand Management Plan due to 1) the water consumption reaching at least 90 percent of the amount availalbe for three consecutive days and 2) the water level in any of the water storage tanks cannot be replenished for three consecutive days.

With the Treatment Plant already at capacity, the lack of rain, and the District using more than our contract allows from City of Mineral Wells, the District is having issues keeping the storage tanks full due to the excessive water usage. Also, to facilitate the plant upgrades, the plant will need to be shut down several times in the upcoming months. With the added stress to keep the storage tanks full at the pump stations, we are beginning to see failures of key components that keep the water flowing. Some of the components we are needing to replace are on back order for months.

Stage II is defined as moderate drought conditions and prohibits all irrigation of landscaped areas and outside water use, except for livestock variances. Residents and businesses are asked to comply with the following restrictions until further notice.

All irrigation of landscaped areas and outside water use is prohibited except for livestock variances.

Goal is to achieve a 25% reduction in total use.

Stage II of the Plan may be rescinded when all the conditions listed as triggering events have ceased to exist for a period of 10 consecutive days. Upon termination of Stage II, Stage I becomes operative.

If the District can see at least a 25% decrease in water usage, the plant can be shut down long enough for maintenance work and it will slow down the wear and tear on the pump stations and storage tanks. The District wants to be able to keep everyone with safe and high quality drinking water during this long hot summer.  


1st Violation - The customer will be notified by a written notice of their specific violation.

2nd Violation - The District may install a flow restricting device in the customer's service line to limit the amount of water that will pass through the meter in a 24-hour period. The cost of this shall be the actual cost to do the work and shall be paid by the customer.

Subsequent Violations - The District may terminate service for up to 7 days and  charge for the service call to restore service.

                                                Your cooperation in this effort is greatly appreciated!


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